What is globalization?
An economic system rules the world mainly export and import goods that require the same rules as the country with the other one without any limitations or protect.
Is it good, bad, or inevitable?
Good for those countries that are ready to compete with the products of other countries so that its exports will be good or higher and be able to get rid of the countries low-quality goods. Bad for the country so that the product is less qualified to be inferior to products from other countries.
In the end the countries in the world with globalization is inevitable as it is unlikely the state would do protect redundant, the impact he will be missed by other countries. In the end state policy that fear competing products will provide the customs or excise duty or import products into the country.
Globalization is not only happening in the global scope, even in regional agreement also occurs for example in our region southeast asia. The agreement we are discussing the globalization of trade, we are developing a Jakarta Charter Carter became a free-trade legislation in the area of Southeast Asia.
Our country is Indonesia, including the State dismayed by the globalization, as the value of exports to imports ratio of our country, from year to year decline. Our fears, one day Indonesia will import more goods than exporting. We will be flooded with products from outside without being able to help it. And our products are not sold in the market or in other words not compete. Policy we do we will apply the tax on products entering the product in the country was spared. And positive thinking, of course, we will always further improve the quality of domestic products in order to compete.
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