In daily life we are not free from the influence of others. When you go to college or elsewhere, can not be copied, dress according to your own will. You must submissive and obedient to the rules in the people.Individual said social beings are creatures who are in life can not escape the influence of other human beings.
Individuals are said to be social animals, also the individual self in because there is a push to interact with others. There is a social need to live in groups with others. Groups are often based on the similarity of characteristics or interests respectively. For example, rich people tend to make friends with rich people. People who work as doctors, tend to look for fellow physicians.
Individuals are said to also as social beings as individuals can not live as an individual if you do not live in the middle of a human or other individuals. When a baby is born, he needed the help of another human being, namely parents.Potension existing within the individual it is only likely to thrive when he lived and studied among humans or other individuals. To be able to run any individual should learn from other humans.
Cooley found looking-glass self is formed through three stages. In the first stage, a person has a perception of the views of others to it. The second stage, a person has a perception about people's judgments of others on appearance. The third stage, a person has a sense of what other people felt the judgment against him. For example, a worker sewing someone who tends to always make the mistake so many results that diretor work by quality control, consequently superiors will assume he is stupid and unskilled, and ultimately disrespected him, Feeling less in value, sewing workers became morose and disheartened . So here is a person's feeling of self-gass looking self.
One of the roles associated with the theory of socialization by george herbert mead 1 in the theory outlined in the book
Mind, self, and society (1972), mead outlines the stages of gradual development through interaction with other civic. According mead human development takes place through several stages of stage play, stage game stage, and the stage of generalized other. Play stage = one begins to learn to take the role of the people around him or be on call phase imitating; Game stage = children not only have to know the role that should be run, but have also a role to be performed by others with whom he interacts ; Generalized other = one bet has been able to take the role of others in the community is run.
Socialization is an ongoing process throughout the life of man. In this regard the experts talk about the forms of socialization. Such socialization after childhood, lifelong education, or continuing education. Light et al. (1989: 130) announced that early socialization called primary socialization encountered secondary socialization. Berger and Luckmann (1967) define the primary socializing = first socialization an individual lived through a childhood where he was a member of the community. While the secondary socialization they define as a subsequent process which introduces individuals who have been socialized into Bary sectors of the objective world community.
Socialization primer ends when the concept of other people in general have like and embedded in the consciousness of the individual.
Because humans are social beings, they interact with others is not always that interaction goes well, sometimes causing the other ha negative. Negative traits are often shown it was called lrejudice. Prejudice is a term that has various meanings. However in the inter groups relations term refers to the attitude of hostility directed against a group has characteristics that are not pleasant. People who are prejudiced and irrational subconscious is so difficult to be changed even if the person is prejudiced given counseling.
The conclusion was that the individual is said to be a social creature for several reasons, namely: 1) the individual is subject to the rules of social norms, 2) Conduct an assessment of the individual expects another individual; 3) Individuals have a need to interact with other individuals; 4) The potential of the individual will flourish when he lived in the midst of a human or other individuals.
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